Sanjsko pohištvo po vašem okusu

Od ideje do realizacije – Vaša vizija, naše znanje

Kvaliteta in unikatnost v vsakem kosu
Sanjsko pohištvo po vašem okusu
Od ideje do realizacije – Vaša vizija, naše znanje
Kvaliteta in unikatnost v vsakem kosu

Sanjsko pohištvo po vašem okusu

Od ideje do realizacije – Vaša vizija, naše znanje

Kvaliteta in unikatnost v vsakem kosu
The beginnings of the company Masiva doo date back to 1993, when we started to manufacture furniture to order, which is still our specialized activity today.
Our advantage is that we offer you a comprehensive service in one place, from space measurement, selection advice, planning and computer drawing of furniture, to assembly at your home. In addition to furniture, you can choose fromrenowned manufacturers of kitchen appliances.
Our consultants take the time to familiarize you withthe standards in the world of furniture. They help you choose the shape of the furniture, materials, color and overall look of the selected furniture in the room.
When planning, it is necessary to measure the space , including a detailed inspection of the electricity and water connections . The following is a computer drawing of the furniture according to your wishes. The entire execution of the order is monitored throughout by a consultant who advises you on planning and choosing details and ensures that your wishes are coordinated.

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